Monday, April 11, 2016

Movie Review: Hello, My Name is Doris

Sally Field has been a favorite of mine since her role in Steel Magnolias, one of my all-time favorite films.  This movie, Hello, My Name is Doris, is a somewhat unknown film amidst the Batman vs Superman hoopla going on right now.  But, the movie is quite endearing.

The story begins at the funeral of Doris' Mom.  An elderly woman who had an affinity for her cat, and Doris is quite shaken at the loss of her Mom after what appears to be years of caring for her.  We discover early on that Doris lived with her Mom and cared for her in a home full of stuff.  Lots of stuff.  Her brother and his wife urge Doris to clean out the house, sell it, and move to the city.  She currently lives on Staten Island in the home where she was raised.  You could tell Doris was offended by this suggestion.

To say Doris was quirky would be an understatement.  The movie unveils a very unique character that worked in data entry at an apparel magazine.  One day after going with her friend, Roz (played by the iconic Tyne Daly), to hear a motivational speaker, she decides to set her sights on a younger (very much younger) man in her office, John.  They had initially bumped into each other in the elevator, and Doris, who filled her life with romance novels while riding the ferry to work, had dreams of she and John together forever.

So began Doris' quest for love.  Roz' granddaughter, Vivian, helps Doris get "hip" and teaches her how to navigate this new world of dating and put herself out there so John would see her.  As you can imagine, a 60-year-old woman listening to electric rock and dressing in neon was pretty hilarious.

Doris' efforts did grab the attention of John and a friendship ensued.  Through this friendship, Doris shares her story, giving us more light into how she got to where she is in life.  Doris' Dad up and left one day leaving her Mom to raise their children.  Though Doris had never been married, she had been in love.  She once was engaged to a man who eventually moved away and thus ended their engagement.  Doris felt compelled to care for her Mom, as is revealed in one of the most moving scenes in the movie.

Although this movie may not be Oscar worthy, Sally Field's portrayal of Doris was amazing.  I could identify with her (in some ways, not in the Level 10 crazy that comes out in the movie) as an older never married woman who still dreams about falling in love one day.  This is great story of moving on and living life to the fullest, and in some ways, taking chances.  I don't want to provide any'll need to watch the movie for yourself.  I would give this movie a 4 out of 5 stars.  

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